Thursday, May 21, 2009

TouchFLO 3D Changes on the Touch HD

With the announcement of the high-resolution new Touch HD from HTC, a modified TouchFLO 3D comes along with it.

Because the screen of the Touch HD is 160 pixels taller than the Touch Diamond and Touch Pro, more data can be shown in one screen. Thefore, HTC improved the People and Weather tab on the new TouchFLO 3D to show more information.

People Tab

There are more buttons on the HD people tab that allow you select other options such as call, text, email, etc. This improves usability as there is no need to go to the application such as text message, scroll through the long list of contacts and add the particular person.

Weather Tab

HTC has put the 5-day forecast and current conditions all in one screen on the Touch HD, rather than on a second page accessed via the left soft key as found on the other TouchFLO 3D devices.

Stock Tab

Also new to TouchFLO 3D for the Touch HD is the inclusion of a stocks tab, which is worth applauding. The newly added Stock tab keeps you informed of the latest stocks, where you can easily track your favorite stock quotes.

Rearrange Tabs

With complains from the Touch Diamond and Touch Pro where people prefer to have the ability to remove unused tabs, most people have to download a third party program in oder to have that ability. HTC must have listened to user feedbacks and with that, the Touch HD comes with that ability right out of the box. Touch HD users can turn off tabs, or move the order of them. Unfortunately, some tabs cannot be removed like Settings, Program, and Home.

Slide to Answer

This is new. When you get an incoming call, you get this. Slide left to answer, and right to ignore. You can use the Call Start/End keys for this function as well. From here you can also send a text message to the person, or mute the ringer.


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